Life on earth: Big souls against the small.

Catholics are blessed! We are able to see the true nature of ‘the elephant in the room’ while we are on earth.


Question 1: “Are human souls all the same size?”

Answer: “The size of each human soul reflects its obedience to Jesus Christ. Some souls are swollen by pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth. Those souls are huge!”


Question 2: “How big are they?”

Answer: “The biggest souls at Judgment are swollen to the size of elephants!”


Question 3: “That seems backwards! I would have thought that the souls of Catholic Saints, for instance, would be big and the souls of sinners would be small!”

Answer: “That’s what most people think! In actual fact, the soul of a sinful person must be big enough to be endlessly tortured by all the souls it kept from Heaven.”


Question 4: “Which are the most swollen souls in hell?”

Answer: “The ones that kept the most people from getting their souls into Heaven. Their souls have to be big enough to let all the souls they kept from Heaven torture them forever.”


Question 5: “Who has the biggest souls in hell?”

Answer: “Those who led the greatest number of people to not get into Heaven!”


Question 6: “What did they they do that bloated their souls?”

Answer: “They convinced their neighbors on earth to reject the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus Christ left on earth.”


Question 7: “Many people have led their neighbors to willfully reject That Teaching of Jesus. Do their souls become the swollen, tortured targets of those they led astray?”

Answer: “The soul of anyone who leads another to disobey This Teaching of Jesus is in Big Trouble! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 8: “Martin Luther, for instance, led billions of people to reject ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’. What does his soul look like?”

Answer: “A skinned and screaming elephant! Billions of souls he led into willful disobedience are eternal swarms of angry wasps. Their only joy is stinging him endlessly while they are being stung by the vengeful souls they led into disobedience!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
