Life: swimming through a sea of lies.

There are many popular lies. All of them are widely believed and endlessly disseminated by skilled cadres of professional liars. We may consider a few of them:

1. We need “sustainable” energy. This is a marvelously complicated and profitable lie, as are most statements with the word “sustainable”. “Sustainable” energy is said to be necessary to stop Global Warming, another complicated and profitable lie. The fact is that the approved forms of “sustainable” energy are not sustainable.

When we consider that nuclear reactors produce cleaner, cheaper power than any other source of electricity, we see that the “sustainable” energy lies are twofold. First, those lies that extol the virtues of power sources that do not work well (solar and wind power costing over a dollar a kilowatt hour) are accompanied by lies that ignore or demonize the cheapest, cleanest power on earth, that from nuclear power.

2. We need “organic” food. This is one of the most preposterous of all lies. The ideal food recommended by the “food liars” is grown without artificial fertilizer, irrigation, chemical pesticides, or heavy machinery, and it is not packaged in plastic film. As a result, such food harbors dangerous bacteria and is often contaminated with fecal material. And, it costs five or six times more to produce. “But, it’s good for you!”, those who lie about food keep saying.

3. We need more regulation. Every government agency and non-government organization wants to expand personnel, power, and scope. All of them seem to be willing to tell lies to justify more. Every agency wants two things, armed enforcement agents and public relations agencies to “tell the story” of how “vital” they are. Various environmental agencies desiring to micro-manage everything from water wells to septic tanks to waste disposal are able to purchase endless “news” broadcasts proclaiming the necessity for their expansion.

4. We need more public transportation. All professional liars believe this. They are simply dumfounded by our desire to get ourselves where we want to go when we want to go there. “We know where they have to go, when they have to arrive, and how they should get there. We will take care of all that.”

5. Religion is not necessary. No government wants people believing that there is anything more powerful than itself. As a result, religions that exalt God above government are endlessly demonized.

6. All children should attend government schools. The nation’s oldest and largest Marxist organization does everything it can to force children into government schools, supporting every possible tax increase to keep young families from being able to afford private or parochial schools. Home-schooling, the cheapest, best way to provide superior educations, is endlessly attacked for the usual reasons.

7. Women should have the right to choose. Those at the left side of the hate-o-meter believe in death at the earliest possible time. They will tell endless lies to get as much of it as possible.

All these lies, taken together, make up most of what the state-run media passes off as “news”. As we become more aware that all such broadcasts, whether of ink or electrons, are frequently accompanied by the word “reform”, we become aware of what is the most common lie of all:

8. Reform is necessary. “Reform”, invariably, means that “more spending is required”, and all “right-thinking people” are in favor of it. “Reform is always the prelude to higher taxes.
