Long drives drove me to become Catholic.

I became a Catholic after my job required me to drive over a hundred thousand miles in Middle America. I drove through States, Counties, Cities, Towns, and Villages.

Thousands of places were named after Tribes of Indians who once lived there. There had been millions of Indians!

I spent years driving on roads that had once been Indian trails. They connected Indian towns.

One day, I realized: “I have never seen a single Indian!”


I tried to find out why. The History Books were very unclear. Then, I realized! They were all written by Protestant historians!

So, I found journals and diaries of early Protestants.


The conclusion was unavoidable. For 250 years, Land-Grabbing Protestants killed millions of Indians and stole their land!


I asked my Protestant clergy about this. My denomination had been here during The Indian Extermination.

They did not want to think or talk about it.

None of them apologized for the centuries of slaughter their denominations did not try to stop. Many blamed Indian deaths on diseases brought to America by Europeans.


But, I knew nations settled by Catholics had the same diseases brought to them! And, I realized that 95% of the peoples who live in nations settled by Catholics still have Indian DNA!


Long drives drove me to become Catholic. If I wanted to be on the side of life, I had to be Catholic.

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Some things never change. Back then, Protestants did not care about Indian lives.

Today, billions of unborn children are killed by abortion, pills, and implants. Many are no bigger than a grain of salt, as each of us once was.

Many of those unborn children are in the families of Protestant congregations and clergy. Protestants do not defend their own children’s lives with this Written, Catholic Teaching.

“Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

Their priorities are sadly clear. “If we teach that, our donors will go to churches that tell them what they want to hear!”


God blessed me to know that life is precious.

How could I not be Catholic?

Catholics pray that all will be on the side of life.

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