More looniness for the Gullible Class.

More looniness for the Gullible Class. When Catholic Fundamentalists see an article like this, we automatically ask: “Who benefits?”

“U.S. to Study Protection for Alaska Loon
Associated Press Writer

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) – Wed, May 30, 2007

A petition seeking Endangered Species Act protection for a rare loon that breeds in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve has been accepted for review by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Conservationists hope an eventual listing of the yellow-billed loon will curb petroleum development in the 23-million acre reserve that covers much of Alaska’s western North Slope.

The petition was filed three years ago by the Center for Biological Diversity, the National Resource Defense Council, Pacific Environment and other U.S. and Russian scientific and conservation organizations.”

Obviously, the benefactors are those involved in existing cash flows from existing oil wells and refineries. People who do not care about the lives of unborn children cannot be said to actually care about the yellow-billed loon. “Protecting” the yellow-billed loon is just another excuse to keep existing cash flows from established producers safe.

This sort of article shows how dumb they think (know) most of us are. Millions thought that protecting snail darters and spotted owls were valid reasons to protect other cash flows. There is a Gullible Class who always takes this sort of article at face value. Having cluttered their minds with thousands of similar lies, they are readily convinced that there are serious, threatening environmental issues that must be addressed, even if we all, especially those “self-centered SUV drivers” have to pay “a little more” for fuel.

Of those able to see the underlying lie, some will be appalled by it, and others will profit by it. Those who willingly profit from such “complex frauds”, to use Dante’s description, are consigned to the depths forever.

Those who see through the lie, and do not hate the liars, are closer to The Programmer Who gave us all free will as to how to deal with such things.
