How do lost souls make a living?

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How do lost souls make a living?   Democracies and their institutions show God, and us, those who sell their souls for money.   Souls drawn to greed over truth ignore His Commandment:  “Thou shalt not bear false witness”.

Except for the occasional emergency, “news” is a parade of well-rehearsed prevaricators sharing self-serving fantasies.   All involved seek funding as they create and pretend to solve problems.  Since every human activity has a downside to someone, they replace joy with worry, happiness with brooding.  Cheer is burned away by bitterness.  The lost souls live with their self-inflicted unhappiness.  They have no joy.

Everything they say is a lie about a lie.

Collections of popular lies purport to be concerned with The Creation Program.   They magnify or invent purely imaginary problems like global warming, ozone holes, and carbon dioxide.  Their solutions invariably involve death and taxes.  Tiny bits of their profits pay the people involved in the lies and distortions being spread.

Other lies impoverish the neighbors upon whom they wage perpetual war.    Food and fuel shortages, forced immigration, over-population, pretend education, abortion, and drugs are life-destroying weapons in the arsenals of evil.

Knowing their souls are lost by hating God and their neighbors causes them to hate themselves.  They know they go to eternal pain.  That self-hatred drives them to destroy love, truth, and life.

It’s hard to love such neighbors, but what else can we do?

Catholics know this:   the poor souls who lie for money despise The Only Church Jesus Founded more than anything in creation.  They universally hate that He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies has provided a cure for spiritual suicide by providing One Church where they may find eternal life.   Jesus repeated His clear call to Catholic Communion EIGHTEEN TIMES:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

What else does anyone need to know?
