Lots of Collapsing Happening

They’re rioting in Greece. Suddenly, that particular leftist dream, as all of them do, has run out of money, and no one wants to give them any more. Europe, cobbled together into a crippled body of interdependent handicapped nations, simply can’t go on subsidizing its biggest “eaters”, those in the useless bureaucracies of the most socialistic nations. England’s new Secretary of The Treasury just took office. His predecessor left him a message in an envelope: “There is no more money.”

The leading bureaucrats, with salaries, pensions, bonuses, and benefits that are staggering, are trying to prop up the system, but can no longer do so. There’s simply no more money. As usual, the left is overjoyed at the opportunity to encourage hatred to boil over. A few low-level bank employees were killed, a mere appetizer to the blood-thirsty socialists directing the mobs.

Portugal, God’s beloved land where the Virgin Mother appeared several times at Fatima in 1917, looks as if it will be the next to go. It’s socialist/Marxist/Masonic government has, like Greece’s, pretty well destroyed the financial underpinnings that no longer hold it up. Spain, vastly larger, is also teetering on the verge of collapse.

The collapses are not only caused by greed, but also, by intentional invasion of cash-draining welfare recipients from North Africa and the Middle East. Bribed European officials are turning a blind eye while those sworn to destroy them enter their countries. Greater destruction will follow.

What can be done? The Holy Father can do what The Blessed Mother told the children at Fatima to tell the Pope to do: “Consecrate Russia.” We can see now that only Russia has the resources to save a shattered, bankrupt, broken Europe, making Mary’s 85 year old warning particularly applicable. The Pope, by the way, was supposed to do this back in 1960, but doesn’t seem to have done so. Odd that Pope after Pope wouldn’t do what Mary said to do.
