Lots of the usual gloom and doom chit-chat going on.

The far right is concerned about the country collapsing. “Our debt is too much for our descendants to pay. We are headed for bankruptcy.”

Catholic Fundamentalists wonder. When we consider that 95 out of every hundred people once depended on agriculture to make a living, and that now only five out of every hundred are so involved, we wonder what the other 95 people are doing.

The farm jobs that decreased because of agricultural automation, tractors, milking machines, mechanized pickers for grain and vegetables, etc., were transferred to manufacturing. People left the farms for the cities, and political power made a similar transition.

Then, automation hit manufacturing. So, governments started to invent reasons to hire people. Again, political power was transferred to the public sector from the private. As jobs are exported to places with lower property and income taxes, places devoid of expensive, impossible-to-follow regulations, unemployment naturally must go up, to the cheers of the left.

Government is today’s haven for those unable to be in the five percent of agricultural workers or the 15 percent of manufacturing workers. Those jobs are never automated, never replaced, and always increased. So, we see tens of millions of “workers” doing little but going to meetings where what they talk about can be boiled down to one word, “counting”.

It was an axiom of Lenin’s that “everything should be counted.” Government does a lot of “counting”. In a healthy society, this causes no problems, keeping a lot of people off the street while providing the illusion of doing something useful.

When government is controlled by those who hate their neighbors, it manipulates the “counts” to “scientifically” justify the next step, which is to increase the scarcity of products while destroying whatever productive capacities remain. Those who hate their neighbors begin to use their power to stop production of anything that’s necessary. Energy production, transportation, the semi-free remnants of manufacturing, finance, medicine, communications, transportation, and virtually all human activities are put under stifling controls. This promotes scarcity. Scarcity leads to rationing and long, long lines, the dream of every tyrant.

Is there a bright side? Standing in long, long lines gives us lots of time to pray.
