Love among us programmed entities.

We are among the most complicated of programmed entities. We have been programmed with so many components among such complex programs that it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that each of us individual human programs lives in a myriad of programs that our minds have been programmed to partly understand.

The least corrupted human program is so close to The Programmer as to be saintly. The purest love among us focus on The Programmer and doing His will. We can see how comparatively wretched we are by reading the lives of the saints. By doing so, we can understand that, by doing so, we are drawing closer to The Programmer. We may, in fact, call Him “Father” as we increase in understanding that He programmed us because He loves us.

When we write a program for our computer, or build a house, or write a poem, we are doing what we are programmed to do. We have been programmed with the ability to partly replicate ourselves with children. Hopefully, we will raise and guide them to seek The Programmer. We have responsibility for their lives and, to some degree, where they will spend eternity.

Our priests have been called to a higher love. They program their lives, ideally living as Christ lived, to help us program our own lives so that we move closer to The Loving Programmer. Our priests baptize us, confirm us, marry us, forgive our sins, anoint us when sick, and provide the last rites as our souls, the most fundamental part of our individual programs, leave this level of programmed entities, go to judgment, and take our rightful place in the programs beyond.
