Love and Truth met the “rent-a-mob”. That Battle continues.

Jesus Christ Fulfilled the Prophecies! God’s Love and Truth took human form. Many people hated Love and Truth! They arrested He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies!

Then, Love and Truth met the “rent-a-mob”. That Battle continues.

Pontius Pilate was the Judge. He sat in Judgment of Love and Truth!

That’s what judges do! They judge.

When Pontius Pilate sat in Judgment of Jesus, he knew! “This man has done nothing wrong.”

Pontius Pilate knew why The Jerusalem Establishment wanted Jesus Christ to be executed. “The Jerusalem Establishment wants me to kill Jesus Christ. Why? They think Jesus will put them out of business! They do not want to lose status and privilege! That is why they want me to have Him killed!”


Jesus Christ did not defend Himself. That was odd! Usually, people standing before a Judge plea for his mercy. Pontius Pilate wanted to release Jesus.

What happened? The Jerusalem Establishment expected that! They had hired the local rent-a-mob. In every time and nation, rent-a-mobs work for wealthy establishments. This rent-a-mob did what their employers told them!

They screamed! They shouted! “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” Some threatened Pontius Pilate. “If you don’t kill Jesus Christ, we will go to Rome! We will tell Caesar that you failed to protect us from truth!”

Pilate knew they would bribe his superiors in Rome! “If I don’t kill Jesus for them, I could end up being crucified!”

So, Pilate gave in to the rent-a-mob.


There were three groups involved. The Establishment, the “rent-a-mob”, and the Judge. The soul of every person in the three groups went to Final Judgment. Our Judge in Heaven, passed sentence on their souls. Who had committed the worst crime?

1. Greedy people who ordered their “rent-a-mob” to demand that Jesus be crucified?

2. The screaming people in the “rent-a-mob”?

3. Pontius Pilate, who surrendered Truth to the “rent-a-mob”?


In every time and place, some people do what is right. Other people hire “rent-a-mobs” to get rid of them. We see that in every election.

Those who love God and Truth pray!

1. May those who lie and hate worry more about their souls than earthly status.

2. May those who join the lying “rent-a-mobs” understand their fate.

3. May Judges never surrender Love and Truth to those who hate and lie.

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Reasons to be Catholic!
