Those who love death

Those who love death support more abortion. Their words reflect the hateful thoughts, minds, and souls behind them. Their thoughts are invariably in favor of “More death.” The zeal with which some pro-abortion people approach the destruction of more unborn children reflects the deep, deep hatred that boils beneath the civilized veneer that the worst of liars are skilled at maintaining.

They know what happens in an abortion, a tiny, unborn baby is burned alive, or torn limb from limb, or killed in some other manner that they would not wanted to have inflicted upon their own, precious selves. They rejoice when it happens, and praise those who will inflict such awful pain on such innocent people.

Their unholy grail is obvious. China’s brutal “one-child policy” is frequently praised by those who seek millions more deaths. They would like it imposed on all the world.

By their preferences, we may know them. Murderers.
