Lower-level Protestants put their own children in grave danger.

Lower-level Protestants encourage many to believe in God and go to church.   The fact is:  Lower-level Protestants put their own children in grave danger.


Lower-level Protestants do not believe that babies and young children should be Baptized.  That is horribly wrong.  Baptism with water “In The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit” is vital.

Without Baptism,  we cannot be cleansed from Original Sin.  Original Sin is the willful disobedience to God.  The willful disobedience of our parents put it into our DNA.   Original Sin leads us to disobey God.

Original Sin is a “spiritual dirtiness”.  It washed away by The Power of God in The Sacrament of Baptism!


The sooner we are Baptized, the better!  Children are helpless.  They are vulnerable.  The forces of evil begin to lead them astray.  Minds confused by Original Sin cannot resist evil as well.

Lower-level Protestants do not care.


Lower-level Protestants love to boast,  “We believe in The Bible!” 

They do not “believe” in The Bible.  The Bible tells us that “Whole households” were Baptized!  “Whole households” included infants and young children.

Lower-level Protestants think they know more than The Bible they pretend to follow.


Lower-level Protestants are smart enough to vaccinate their children against diseases like smallpox, mumps, and measles.  Vanity keeps their own children from the most important “vaccination” there is!

Baptism with water, “In The Name of The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit” is a “Spiritual Vaccination”.   Babies and young children who are properly Baptized are protected from spiritual disorders caused by Original Sin.


Lower-level Protestants have kept billions of children from being cleansed by The Power of God’s Water and Word.

Their poor souls are vulnerable to every evil on earth.

We see the results of Lower-level Protestantism.  Angry, unhappy, unbaptized people are on all news we see.

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