Luke 16:31. Jesus gives a “key” to understanding Willful Protestantism.

.                           Catholics get a “Key” from Jesus.  Willful Protestants “lock themselves” away from God!


~Question 1:  “What ‘Hidden Key’ does Jesus give to let us see inside the minds of Willful Protestants?”

Answer:  “This Word of Jesus from Luke 16:31 opens a secret door into the minds of Willful Protestants.  ‘Then Abraham said, ‘If they (Willful Protestants in The Old Testament) will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they (Willful Protestants in The New Testament) be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.’


Question 2:  “Do Willful Protestants in New Testament Times believe that Jesus Christ did ‘rise from the dead’?”

Answer:  “They say they believe that!  But, they refuse to let themselves ‘be persuaded’ that they should obey Every Word of He Who did ‘rise from the dead’.”


Question 3:  “What Word from He Who did ‘rise from the dead’ do Willful Protestants refuse to obey?”

Answer:   “Billions of Willful Protestants said the same thing for 2,000 years!  ‘This Word from He who did ‘rise from the dead’‘ is not worthy of my grateful obedience:

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 5:  “Why do Willful Protestants refuse to:

  1.  Obey That Word of Jesus;
  2.  Be in His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church;
  3.  Get His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ for their souls?”

Answer:  “Jesus Christ gave us ‘keys’ to understanding!  Willful Protestants in Both Testaments cannot control their favorite vanity:  ‘We love our desires more than God!’


Question 6:  “Is that all there is to Willful Protestantism?

Answer:  “No.  That sin is compounded by this awful insult to The All-Knowing Divinity of God:  ‘God is not smart enough to know that I pretend to believe to justify my disobedience.’

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