Lying destroys rational thought.

Two recent instances of leftist lying call into question their collective intellectual ability. Most of us now know better than ever that global temperature changes are caused by cyclical differences in solar output from the huge sun. It’s a million times bigger than the earth and only 9 light minutes away. The sun’s rhythmic changes from higher energy output to lower are quickly followed by changes in all the planets’ temperatures.

When the left began to lie about global cooling, the sun was in an upswing of energy output. Those on the left, frankly, wasn’t bright enough to notice. Soon, the left reversed their lies, and began to legislate against global warming. Unfortunately for their credibility, by the time they’d gotten their lies all changed around, solar output was peaking, and its energy output soon began to fall. Earth’s temperatures began to drop at the same time. By that time, the left’s “lie inertia” was so huge that they couldn’t respond with yet another reversal.

Some leftists had enough respect for truth that they couldn’t reverse themselves twice in ten years. We may hope that the tiny amount of respect for truth thereby indicated is a doorway through which light and truth may enter their darkened souls.

We may hope.
