Magic Answers

Magic answers

abound. We have the opportunity to solve many of the problems we have with a variety of endless solutions that can be found in every media.

Some magic answers are chemical in nature. They run the gamut from mood and mind altering drugs to chemicals that promise weight loss. Many try them, and some say they are helped by doing so. Other magic answers, like hypnotism, yoga, and saying “Ommmm.” repeatedly are also said to improve the way the mind works.

Problems of self-esteem are said by some to be solved by the purchase of more expensive clothing, transportation devices, jewelry, and temporary relocations to exotic locales Monaco, Antarctica, or to see an eclipse. Some magnify their sense of self worth by accumulating precious metals. Others buy antiques. Many collect things that they feel will show others that they have a special sensitivity that sets them above their less refined neighbors, most of whom are too polite to show their boredom when viewing or hearing about others’ collections.

Some of us try to find solutions to problems by absorbing knowledge, driven to build a ladder, with facts as rungs, the climbing of which they feel will help them reach goals on this earth and beyond. Such people have a tendency to not understand how boring the too-frequent sharing of such information is.

We may imagine a young, unweaned puppy that’s separated from its mother. It is whining, frantic, and miserable because it cannot find her. It will run desperately to whatever it thinks might be her. All of its problems are caused by having been separated from its source of life.

So are ours.
