The Magic Carbon Filter.

We have all been regaled with the problems caused by carbon dioxide. A filter has been developed that people can wear, much like a surgical mask. It filters out all the carbon dioxide that a person would breathe.

Each of us commits the environmental crime of emitting carbon dioxide. Every day, our disgusting bodies emit over two pounds of carbon dioxide. This new filter would allow us to trap that, putting it in a small back-pack that each person should wear, even while sleeping. Thus, we will save the world.

Large sheets of this fabric can be laid over millions of acres. It will keep the dreaded carbon dioxide from getting into, or out of, all plants and animals.

At a far less cost than the trillions currently proposed, we can free the world of deadly carbon dioxide.

Does it work? I know that my own yard, once lush and green, is now covered with this wonderful material. It has become indistinguishable from a stretch of sand in the Sahara. Those who pass by are impressed by my dedication to the environment.
