The Main Thing Wrong With Some Faiths:

The main thing wrong with some faiths is that they encourage believers to kill anyone who says there’s something wrong with their faith. This hatred, especially when it calls on the extermination of others, even for differing with them, is a sign of great insecurity and fear.

As Catholics, we are used to people saying there’s a great deal wrong with out faith. Our faith is, among those who have not yet understood it, a thing that’s often mocked, maligned, and scorned.

Their rejection of our beliefs is not a matter of great concern, nor should it be. We, by the Grace of God, have been scooped up in His huge, ancient net. We are so grateful for the increased chances of salvation The Church provides that we can only pity those who despise The Church whose only desire is to bring all souls closer to the kind and loving God Who made us all in His image.

As Catholics, we understand that God, Who made Heaven and earth and all therein and thereon, is able to take care of Himself.

The faiths that fear criticism do not have their beliefs centered upon such a Being. The only thing keeping their faith alive is the shared, and required, hatred of all who disagree with them. They are united only in the institutionalized insecurity that comes from the deep fear that their flaws may be exposed.

Hatred comes from a lack of confidence. A lack of confidence comes from believing in the teachings of men rather than in the God whose Church and Word are manifestations of His Love.

Those who worship idols know, at some level, that the only thing that makes those idols real is their own embrace of error. No matter how fervently they believe, the error never goes away.
