Malachi One, verse three and Romans Nine, thirteen Make the oddest little hymn that some of us have seen:

“God hates Esau.”, Scriptures say. Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
“God hates Esau.”, Scriptures say, oh doo-dah day!
Should we hate him too? Is that what we should do?
“God hates Esau.”, Scriptures say. Should we hate him too?

God’s hated him for centuries. Still hates him today.
Why does God hate Esau so? ‘Cause Esau will not pray.
Esau always does what’s wrong, he never chooses right.
And that is why God hates him so, ’cause he shuns His light.

Esau hates the Church of Christ. Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
He hates life, truth, and sacrifice, oh doo-dah day!
Malachi has made it clear, and so did great Saint Paul
God hates Esau through and through, hates him most of all.

Esau still hates God today. Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
He wishes God would die today, oh doo-dah day!
Esau’s here today, and that’s why we should pray,
“God, stick him deep down in a hole, and keep him far away.”
