Not many do-it-yourself cars.

No matter how many parking lots and roadways we look at, we hardly ever see a home-made car.

Many of us could make a car, especially if a kit were provided. But, we are all smart enough to know that it wouldn’t pay. Cars are just too complicated for amateurs. Getting thousands of moving parts to work together is just too difficult.

Yet, those millions of professionally assembled cars we see are often driven by people who have put together their own ramshackle methods of getting to Heaven.

Mistakes in car building can only lead to physical injury or death. Mistakes in getting our soul to Heaven can result in eternal pain and suffering.
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If we only trust moving our bodies to skilled engineers and mechanics, we should only trust moving our souls to similarly qualified people.

Roman Catholic priests are skilled, knowledgeable guides. Vows of poverty and chastity keep most of them from material and personal distractions. Lifetimes of study and hearing confessions keep them abreast of how we should fit our temporary problems into eternity.

One conclusion: if we take care of moving our souls to Heaven as well as we take care of moving our bodies around the earth, the better the chances that we will be Roman Catholics.


Only Catholics know! “The Pearl of great price” is The Catholic Church Spoken Into Being by Jesus Christ to provide His Food for our soul’. ~ Question 1: “How does ‘Holy Vanity’ let Catholics know where to find ‘food for our soul’?” Answer: “Only Catholics have ‘sold everything we have and purchased the pearl of […]

We end up in one of two places forever! Many “body parts” in every nation’s “Body Politic” let our souls be stained by pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth. Will we love ourselves more than God and our neighbors? ~ Question 1: “What are the ‘body parts’ in every nation’s ‘Body Politic’“? Answer: […]

Of all the books there are, the very short Book of James gives us the most good reasons to be Catholic in the fewest pages. ~ Question 63: “Does St. James tell Catholics how to be more pleasing to God?” Answer: “Yes! James 5:12 gives us some good advice. ‘Above all, my brothers, do not […]