Many Catholics have this “Favorite Number”!

. How many fish were in that net? 153. Is that number a Mathematical Miracle of Jesus?


Question 1: “What the ‘Favorite Number’ of many Catholics?”

Answer: “The Number 153! Catholics love the number 153!”


Question 2: “Why is 153 so important?”

Answer: “If you want some details about 153, check this!


Question 3: “Wow! That is complicated! I can see why Willful Protestants never think deeply about that! Is there a simple reason that Catholics like ‘153’?”

Answer: “153 is The Number of Fish that Jesus had swim into St. Peter’s net! Everything that Jesus does is filled with meaning. 153 fills the mind with Truth we do not often see. The link above gives details that only Catholics can consider.”


Question 4: “Do Willful Protestants think about things like that?”

Answer: “Willful Protestants only like to think about self-serving reasons to ignore The Great Decree of He Who had exactly 153 fish swim into St. Peter’s net!

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’


Question 5: “If a really smart person thought about ‘153’, would he be Catholic?”

Answer: “John Von Neumann was a German mathematician. He was Jewish. He thought so well that he could multiply four-digit numbers in his head! He invented the computer operating systems that are still used today. He understood what Power Jesus had to have when He made exactly 153 fish appear in St. Peter’s net.

That may be what compelled him to become Catholic and receive The Body and Blood of Jesus on his deathbed.”


Question 6: “Why haven’t we heard about John Von Neumann and his Conversion to Catholicism?”

Answer: “The world’s anti-Catholics agree on one thing! ‘We do not want anyone in this day and age to understand that Really Smart People become Catholic!’

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More than 153 simple reasons to be Catholic!

Complicated reasons in a free book:
