It’s absolutely amazing that women who proclaim themselves to be “liberated” are so silent about the way females are treated by the Moslem religion. The same women who despise American and European men for “keeping them down” are, with near unanimity doing absolutely nothing to fight the imposition of Sharia Law that reduces them to chattel status.
There are clear cases where such leftist women, who have been “protesting” against various causes alleged to be pro-Western have been kidnapped, impregnated, forcibly converted, and made to be obedient wives to their new husbands. Their protesting days are over.
Homosexuals are routinely hunted down and killed in Moslem countries. No known group of American homosexuals has leaders who’ve dared to publicly complain about this. Their silence on the subject has become a form of support. “The leaders in the homosexual community aren’t complaining about the imposition of Sharia Law. Why should you?”
Those who are silent will complain bitterly (and, sometimes rightly) about mistreatment and discrimination in housing, employment, and other areas, but say nothing about those whose religious commands leave no doubt in their minds that they must be erased from the face of the earth. Many will publicly and loudly demonstrate against Catholics, Baptists, Orthodox Jews, and Mormons whose only crime is to tell them that they believe such practices are condemned by God. A little way away, there are mosques where those inside would like to hang them from the nearest tree rather than save their souls. Oddly, there are never any (not even one or two!) activists demonstrating against them.
Those in the entertainment business are uniformly anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, and anti-patriotism. There is, basically, no entertainment business, especially featuring semi-clad women in any situation that may be thought of as “improper”, in countries taken over by Moslems. But, “entertainers” and those who employ them, continue to denigrate traditional Christian and Jewish believers while ignoring those who not only want to put them out of business, but also, feel it is their God-given duty to “straighten them out”, using as much force as necessary.
Atheists and agnostics do not have the freedom to believe and live as such in Moslem countries. In those nations, it is a crime not to publicly express belief in the only religion allowed. Yet they go on, condemning, mocking, and maligning the Christian religions while remaining strangely silent about those who would force them into compliance or harshly punish them for their apostasy.
One may conclude from the common denominators that the four groups have an incredibly strong element of self-hatred among them. It’s hard, if not impossible, to avoid the conclusion that some of them may want to be wiped out. The death promised to them by Moslems is, in fact, the only way they can find to escape their errors.
If so, is that an indictment against Christians who’ve not done a good enough job explaining the infinite nature of God’s love? Partly, but only partly. It’s also because we’ve failed to make God real to them, something that Catholic Fundamentalism does by showing that it’s reasonable to extrapolate from human programmers to a glimpse of God’s power to program and download three dimensional particles and compile them into systems and beings with blinding speed.
Their own hatred of their own positions, and selves, may explain why those too far to the left do what they can to destroy the faiths that seek to save their souls while they help, if only with their cowardly silence, the religion that has promised to do everything it can, including torture and death, to force them to comply with its far, far harsher dictates.