How many lies in: “Using fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases that cause global warming.”?

We are like fish, swimming in an ocean of lies. One of the most pervasive lies that we are told from a very young age is that “Oil is a fossil fuel.” Most of us have heard that lie, accompanied by “Coal is a fossil fuel.” and “Natural gas is a fossil fuel.” since we were in elementary school.

At the same time we hear those lies, we also find out that oil is found far, far below any sedimentary rock formations. Some wells are several miles deep, far into igneous rock. How did “fossil fuels” leak miles below the deepest depth at which plants and animals were ever found?

In fact, oil is produced from naturally occurring hydrocarbons by the continual nuclear reaction that takes place in the earth’s core. The planet has many places where underground pressures force continual streams of natural gas and oil to bubble up at the surface.

Despite geological reality, we are still fed a steady stream of lies that tell us about “fossil fuels”.

The “fossil fuel” lies are very instructive. Their universality shows that powerful interests are working hard to be sure that this deeply entrenched lie is firmly rooted in all minds. The “fossil fuels” lie has been told for generations, is told today, and will be told as long as those who profit from artificial scarcities are able to tell it. It is analogous to teaching that “The earth is flat”.

Those who control existing underground fuel sources do not want competition. They combine lies to successfully convince people that “Using ‘fossil fuels’ produces ‘greenhouse gases’ that cause ‘global warming’.” Three lies in one sentence, and that’s just counting the nouns!

When we add the verbs, we get six lies! There are no significant amounts of “fossil fuels”, so we cannot “use” them; “greenhouse gases” are not produced or increased significantly by them; and there is no ‘global warming’, only cyclical ups and downs caused by solar cycles that emit more and less energy.

Such lies are so heavily supported by propaganda, beginning in the earliest grades, that they are widely believed. Many, in fact, will become angry when told that all six of the lies in “Using fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases that cause global warming.” are lies, and that only the most credulous dullards will believe them.

That’s because all the lies appeal to human vanity, the importance of which is yet another lie. We are told, again from grade school, that it is “intellectual” to believe that “Using fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases that cause global warming.” We are also told that it’s good to be “intellectual”, and that all “intellectuals” and “scientists” agree that “Using fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases that cause global warming.”

This lie is accompanied by another lie, the implication that those who do not believe that “Using fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases that cause global warming.” are primitive, superstitious savages. They are comparable to “religious extremists” and “dangerous radicals”. People with another view of truth than that propounded by approved “intellectuals” and “scientists” are burned at the modern equivalent of the stake by being fired, not hired, or denied tenure and promotion.
