How many mistakes can a leftist make before losing credibility?

Those who embrace lies are altered by those lies. Their minds and souls are warped, twisted, stretched, and distorted to incorporate those lies within themselves.

We, who watch, are amazed that they can switch from old lies to new lies without seeming to notice. Paul Ehrlich, who predicted global famine and destruction by 1990, is now happily spewing clouds of lies about the “catastrophe of climate change”. His amazing and unceasing regurgitation of lies goes on.

When we see someone who has made mistake after mistake, we find it amazing that no one on the left notices. When asking, “What kind of credibility can be given a person who’s been so wrong so often?, we are given answers like “He’s passionate. Concerned. Worried about the future.”

“So what?” is one response. “Who cares what a person who’s always wrong thinks about anything?”

Believing a leftist is like perpetually going to a dentist who always extracts the wrong tooth. “It wasn’t really the ‘wrong’ tooth. I was worried that it might have gone bad, later on.” would be the perpetual excuse. With enough favorable publicity, the dentist could be called “far-sighted and concerned” and stay in practice until he died.

Excusing lies.

Many, whose Global Warming lies are being exposed as misleading shams are now saying, “It doesn’t matter if we were right or wrong about Global Warming. Using less energy is still the best thing to do. Therefore, even though we were wrong, the greater good was being served.”

The same lies were told about Stalin’s slaughters in The Ukraine. “Well, it’s too bad that we had to machine gun ten or fifteen million farm families, but it was for the greater good.”

Leftists all come to the same conclusion, “Our lies must go on. Our goals are more important than telling the truth.” This is another form of idol worship. “The desire that I have conceived, though it has no life of its own, must be made real, no matter how many lives, and how much money, must be spent to make it so.

Beneath every leftist is the same perverse spirit that possessed Jim Jones, Mao, and Stalin. Behind their furrowed brows is Babylon and all its idols.
