Many Protestants hate the idea of “Holy Molecules”!

Many Protestants hate the idea of “Holy Molecules”!  “Holy Molecules” help us see the connection between God and All that He Spoke Into Being.

We think about a blade of grass.  We may spend a lifetime studying how its DNA created a being that turns sunlight into itself and the spreading seeds that grow from it.

We think about an ant climbing up the blade of grass.  We may spend a lifetime studying its tiny teeth, mouth, and stomach. 

We may spend a lifetime studying the microscopic cells that live in an ant’s stomach.  We think of the viruses that infect those tiny cells!

Billions of us have spent lifetimes studying the wonders of God’s Word in every component of Creation.


God’s Word told His Prophets about The Promised Messiah. God’s Word took human form at the Prophesied time and place. The Perfect God had to have Perfect Parents.

The Holy Ova of Mary was Spoken Into Being by God’s Word. There was no sin or error among the trillions of Her Holy, Perfect DNA Molecules, Atoms, and Electrons.

Only Mary’s Immaculate Conception could have let Jesus be Fathered by The Holy Spirit and take Perfect Human Form.


Jesus is God’s Perfection in Human Form! He told us, fourteen times, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

He allows His obedient followers to become one with Him by having His Life in us!

The Holy Essence of Jesus transforms bread and wine into His Body and Blood. That transforms us from death to life! The “Holy Molecules” carry His Life into us!


Protestants do not let themselves obey Jesus. “I do not need His Body and Blood! I just need to believe in Him.”

Belief is not enough. The idea of “Holy Molecules” helps Catholics “think small” about Baptism and Communion. The smaller we think, the better we see how big God is!


Many Protestants hate the idea of “Holy Molecules”! Protestants would rather own a huge tract of land than understand a single blade of the grass that grows upon it.

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