Many realize: Protestantism is the root of all evil. 11

A Universal Law! “The greatest evil causes the greatest hurt.”

The “greatest hurt” is to have our immortal soul sent to hell! Souls in hell are tortured forever by hateful demons.

How do we avoid “the greatest hurt” to us?


Catholics begin by asking a simple question. “Who decides if my soul will go to Heaven or hell?” There is a simple answer! “Jesus Christ decides where every soul will spend eternity.”

How do Catholics know that?

We look at the numbers! Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300 Prophecies made about Him! The odds are trillions to one that He is The Prophesied Messiah! He is The Son of God!


Every person who is blessed to know that asks This Question! “How do I get Him to let my soul into Heaven?”

Jesus Christ gave us the answer! “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies lets His obedient “friends” into Heaven!


Every Catholic knows that Jesus Christ gave us His Instruction! Jesus Christ said to one person on earth:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Every Catholic knows! “We cannot be among His obedient ‘friends’ in Heaven if we willfully disobey Him!”

A Universal Law! “The greatest evil causes the greatest hurt.”

The Profiteers of Protestantism make a living by getting people to not be among the “obedient friends” of our Final Judge!

What more does anyone need to know?

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
