Many realize: Protestantism is the root of all evil. 3

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

The results of willful disobedience.

Catholics understand This Fact! Those who knowingly and willfully disobey Any Instruction from Jesus Christ cannot be forever among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Protestants have always invented reasons to disobey This Instruction from Jesus Christ.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Arius and his followers believed that Jesus Christ was less than The Father and The Holy Spirit. Arians rejected This Catholic Teaching:

“The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit are The Three Equal Persons of God.”

Arians corrupted much of Christendom. Traditional Catholic Teaching triumphed. By 600 AD, Arians among the Franks, Goths, Visigoths, Lombards, and others had embraced Catholic Teaching about The Holy Trinity.

For the next thousand years, most Christians were Trinity-believing Catholics.


In those 40 Catholic generations, The Church inherited ownership of almost a third of many countries! Those assets supported Catholic Charities: schools, universities, hospitals, monasteries, convents, hostels, and accommodations for the poor.

The Catholic Church became a target for looters!

Looters hired renegade priests. They invented “reasons” for looters to confiscate Catholic assets. They ran into the Trinitarian Wall! Trinitarian beliefs could not be easily overcome.


The new Arian Protestants publicly proclaimed: “We believe in The Holy Trinity! But, we proudly disobey This Teaching of The Son!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Catholics understand! Arianism had gone underground! The new Protestant Arians told this cunning lie: “We say that The Son is equal to The Father. But, we believe The Father wants us to disobey many of The Son’s Teachings!”

That’s Protestantism! Arianism underground! The awful result? Billions of unborn babies have lost their lives. Why? The Underground Arians teach that The Father wants us to disobey This Teaching from His Son’s Church:

“Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
