Many realize: Protestantism is the root of all evil. 5

Catholics love History! History tells us how people, families, peoples, and nations are destroyed! A Catholic Historian named St. Gildas wrote a short book 1,500 years ago.

“The Ruin of Britain” described why that country was destroyed. The Catholic Church had been working in England even when the Romans ruled! St. Gildas tells that many sins, including fornication, led people away from The Catholic Church.

Then, he tells us what caused the sin! “It was not this vice alone that grew, but also all to which human nature is generally liable: especially the vice which today also overthrows the place that appertains to all good in the island, that is to say, hatred of truth together with those who defend it . . .”


St. Gildas knew the worst crime is “hatred of truth”.

Evil spirits appealed to “human nature”. They led people to “overthrow the place that appertains to all good in the island”!

The father of lies is driven to destroy The Catholic Church!

What else does evil hate? “that is to say, hatred of truth together with those who defend it.” That describes every person, family, people, and nation whose “human nature” leads them to fall into sin!
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Evil hates the Catholic Church. Evil hates Catholic priests and religious. Evil hates Catholic people and families!


The evil that St. Gildas tells us about wants people to rejejct This Teaching of Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

In every time and place, evil spirits appeal to “human nature”. Evil agrees! “We do not have to listen to He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies! Our highest duty is getting what we want!”

St. Gildas describes what happens to every nation that lets evil keep people from being Catholic!

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.


Only Catholics connect Bible History and DNA Science. We are blessed to be “Chosen” to receive The Life-Giving Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in Catholic Communion. ~ Question 1: “How does Today’s Reading tell Catholics how ‘Chosen’ we are?” Answer: “Joshua 24:1-13 tells us where we came from! ‘Joshua addressed all the people: ‘Thus […]

Answer:  “1 John 5:1-6 tells us to:  ‘Be Catholic!’ by telling us:  “Beloved: (That word divides humanity into two groups, the ‘beloved’ and all others.)  Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is begotten by God, and everyone who loves The Father also loves the one begotten by Him.’  Clearly, all who heed God’s […]

Everyone on earth is “smart enough” to get these “keys” from Jesus.  Many believe:  “I am smarter than Jesus.” ~ Question 1:  “Does God care how smart I am?” Answer:  “God made each of us the way we are.  Each of us is who and what He wanted us to be.  He does not care […]