Too Many Think They Deserve Government Jobs and Will Take Nothing Less

Several years ago, I noticed that more and more high school students at the top of their class wanted to get jobs in public education. “I want to go into teaching.”, they would say, but not with with the eagerness heard from those in an earlier generation who wanted to be doctors, lawyers, business owners, corporate executives, and otherwise succeed in more lucrative, but riskier, occupations.

“Sad.”, I remember thinking to myself. “Students have not been taught courage, so they’re opportunity for safety, sacrificing success for steady incomes, and have become afraid of challenges.”

In Europe, an entire generation of white people have done nothing but wait for the government jobs they think are due to them. Some have slid into their thirties and forties, still waiting and waiting, afraid to face the despair that they personify.

All the less Christian countries are inflicted with the same disease, a growing number of citizens who think they are “too good” to do manual labor. All want to be executives. Many have been sitting in endless college classes where professors told them things like, “Always hire people who are smarter than you are.” Such “knowledge” has kept them from doing anything useful with their lives and will continue to do so.

Most of them will never find the government job they feel they deserve, but a tiny few of them will. They will work short hours at high pay, travel extensively, and do little with their lives except become objects of envy for those unable to find such employment and who will not let themselves accept anything less. The fact that one or two out of a hundred is able to find such work, generally through bribes or family connections, successfully paralyzes those who know them, keeping them from taking lower-status jobs, guaranteeing that they will rarely marry and have families of their own.

Neither, of course, will those with the government jobs. They will be too busy traveling, vacationing, and trying to advance within the realms of imaginary problems to marry and have children.

The death of the west is at hand, caused by idol worship that, in a corny pun, is the result of worshipping the idle.
