Many Willful Protestants say: “I have no King but Jesus.”

May all The King’s subjects be blessed to obey Every Command that comes to us from The King of Heaven.

Question 1: “Why do many Willful Protestants say: ‘I have no King but Jesus.’?”

Answer: “They are blessed to know that Jesus Christ was Crowned King of Creation after His Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven.”


Question 2: “Do Willful Protestants recognize His Kingly Power by obeying ‘His Royal Commands’?”

Answer: “Willful Protestants choose to disobey The Holy Decree with Which The King of Heaven spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church into Being on earth! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 3: “I am puzzled! Should those who say ‘I have no King but Jesus!’, obediently obey His Church-Founding Decree?”

Answer: “Your intelligent question shows that The King of Heaven has two kinds of subjects in His Earthly realm.”


Question 4: “Who are they?

Answer: “Some of His subjects are obedient servants. The King identifies them: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 5: “Who are The King’s other kind of ‘subjects’?

Answer: “They are the ones who stay outside of The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church (Kingdom) The King Spoke Into Being on earth. Those ‘subjects’ only obey some of His Decrees.”


Question 5: “Why do they say ‘I have no King but Jesus!’ and willfully disobey The King’s Church-Founding Decree?”

Answer: “Willful Protestants believe that if they say ‘I have no King but Jesus!‘ loudly and often, He won’t notice when they disobey Him.”


Question 6: “Do Willful Protestants realize they are insulting Jesus by thinking they can ‘outsmart’ Him?”

Answer: “They never ask that question!”


Question 7: “Why do Willful Protestants avoid being in The Only Church Jesus Christ Spoke Into Being on earth with His Holy Decree?

Answer: First, it takes work to obey Catholic Teachings. Second, many of them think they are so wonderful that Jesus has to approve all of their thoughts, words, and deeds.”


Question 8: “Do sloth and vanity combine to cause Willful Protestantism?”

Answer: “Yes. Sloth + Vanity = Willful Protestantism.”

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