Why market drops?

As this is being written the stock market has dropped another 250 points. It’s down about half from its recent highs. There are several reasons:

1. The dollar is dropping because so many are being printed to allow the leftmost politicians to “help”. Since the market knows that none of the “helpful plans” will do anything but make the problems worse, the huge political body in which the “cells”, individuals, families, and companies, operate, is considerably weakened. That keeps the damaged cells from recovering as quickly as they usually would.

2. Structural deficits are being built into the body politic that will keep it weak for the foreseeable future.

3. Once these deficits take political form, they will be as tumors within the body politic, further weakening it.

4. A weakened body is more likely to be attacked from the outside.

5. The markets are also in the process of pricing in the reduction of value that computers and the internet have done to the vast print/paper industries. Long a mainstay of the economy, they are eroding in use and, therefore, in value.

6. Middle-class Americans are becoming aware that the new administration is largely comprised of people who hate them and want to destroy them.

So, the market continues to drop as more become aware of the damage being done to it by those who control it.
