A matter of life and death, ours and others, here and beyond.

God rules the affairs of men.  Those displeasing to Him are destroyed.  The old Testament shows that He hates child sacrifice.

In the 1970s, governments made it legal to kill unborn children.  “There are too many people.  Abortion solves the problem of overpopulation.”

Vast numbers of people believed and spread such lies.

The difference between child sacrifice today and 2500 years ago?  We no longer hear the screams of children thrown into fire.  Now, children are sacrificed before they can audibly express their agony.

The reasons for killing children are the same.  “We cannot afford more people.  We are running out of food, housing, jobs, and resources.  We must limit, or reduce, the number of people.”  Those saying that may be driving through, or flying over, vast, empty stretches of land.  Cities are filled with empty houses.  Still, they say, “There are too many people.”

Those who believe and say such things are, themselves, dead.  That death is seen in gullibility, fear, and selfishness.  The demons encouraging such thoughts bring death, now and forever, to those who unrepentantly participate in:  “Let’s kill the unborn so that we will have more.”

The issue is so important that it separates souls.  Those in favor of  child sacrifice then, and abortion today, were and are consigned to an eternity of the pain they were willing to visit on the most helpless of their neighbors.

Powerful forces of public opinion were mobilized by those who favored eliminating children.  Many who were Pro-Life became first ambivalent.  Then, officially “neutral”.  Now, only The Catholic Church is so firmly pro-life that She is also against artificially stopping life from coming into being.  Only the Catholic Church wants to ban birth control chemicals and devices that cause the tiniest of babies to die.

The Church’s pro-life position helps us understand Jesus’ clear warning:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”  Worthily receiving Catholic Communion means that we are pro-life.  It means we are in the only  Church that is completely pro-life.  Jesus is Pro-Life.

The test of any denomination is if it teaches “You must avoid artificial birth control that causes the tiniest of babies to die.”  If not, the denomination is not as fully “Christian” as The Catholic Church. It is, instead,  helping to bring death by confusing the issue and paralyzing the truly Pro-Life people within it.

At Judgment, will Jesus think of those in a denomination that allowed death-dealing chemicals and devices as faithful to Him?  Or, will He think of them as having caused more children to die by not being in The One Church that fights against inflicting death on the very smallest babies?  Matthew 12:30 applies:  “He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters.”

A matter of life and death, ours and others, here and beyond.


