Mayday, When Leftists Love to Show Their Hate

All over the world, those who hate their neighbors come out on May Day. They have huge parades, in which they show their hated neighbors how many guns, tanks, planes, and soldiers they have. May Day is a great day for instilling fear in those they threaten. Richer Communists have missiles in their parades. Poorer Communists can only afford club-wielding thugs. The message is the same. “All of us are looking for a chance to kill you. Please, give us an excuse.”

The first columns of every month review reasons why Catholic Fundamentalism’s approach to God and His Church is the intellectual foundation for the coming Catholic Counter-Reformation. So, on this, the First Day of May, we will consider how Catholic Fundamentalism compares with it’s spiritual opposite, Communism:

The Roman Catholic Church tells us that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. Lenin, working to install the disruptive kingdom of the virus on earth, holds that “The essence of Communism is hatred.”

The Roman Catholic Church wants all mankind to grow closer to God and be saved. Communists officially deny that God exists.

The Roman Catholic Church believes that Her ancient faith provides the Sacraments that help save those who will be saved. Communists decree that “religion is the opiate of the masses.”

Catholic Fundamentalists believe that God may be best described in our age as The Loving Programmer. We understand that He has the power to program in three dimensions. He can program particles, which are 3-D pixels, into existence. He also programs energies, spiritual and mechanical. The particles and energies are compiled into structures and beings that make each of us and the world around us.

We believe that He, and the angelic sub-programmers, whom He also programmed, have downloaded quadrillions of spiritual and particle programs to make us and the vast Creation Program in which we live to give us free will. Communists, while they have no way of disproving Catholic Fundamentalism, still renounce it. Those who follow the apostate angel simply can’t allow for any belief in any power greater than their own vanity.

So, this is a good day to pray for anyone who hates The Church as much as the Communists do. “God”, we may say to Him, “let all of us human programs understand that You have the power to write, download, and maintain the huge Creation Program in such a way as to give every single person on earth free will. Each human being has the ability look at your program and choose to believe it to be a few thousand, or many billions of, years old. Help everyone fully understand that You provided The Creation Program so that men could either choose or reject you. Lead all to realize that The Program was downloaded to let goats separate themselves from sheep.”
