When We’re Mired Between God & Mammon, We’re Confused.

A favorite web site is instapundit.com. Those who post to it are insightful, and ask a question that Catholic Fundamentalism can answer with a word:

CHANGE: THE RETURN OF NO-MONEY-DOWN: “Having negative equity is very, very dangerous. And that’s what a no-money-down borrower has in this market, because prices aren’t rising much, and they need to find thousands of dollars to pay broker commissions and closing costs if they want to sell. What truly boggles the mind is that the government still thinks that it’s somehow a good idea to help push people with basically no savings into homeownership. Do they want to make sure that a whole new class of financially marginal people can enjoy the benefits of foreclosure?”

The answer is a resounding “Yes!” Government exists to have people serve it, be dependent upon it, be grateful to it, and fearful of it. So, the worst in governments most assuredly will “want to make sure that a whole new class of financially marginal people can enjoy the benefits of foreclosure“. That’s what they live and strive to do.

An overlooked reason for their endless attempts to destroy as many people as possible in as many ways as they can is the great self-satisfaction they get after their plans fail and lives are destroyed. Then, wallowing in self-righteousness, they smugly tell and re-tell each other, “See, you really just can’t do anything for those people, no matter how hard you try.”
