Mirrors do not show the corrupting viruses within.

When we look in the mirror, we see the surface of the free-will program that we are. There are usually a few unwanted wrinkles, blemishes, and imperfections to which we pay more attention than we should. Mirrors do not show the corrupting viruses within.

More important parts of our program operate beneath the surface. Much of our program operates without our awareness. Chemicals are produced, food digested, electricity generated and our entire automatic programs chugs along, automatically.

The most important part of our program is in the pilot’s seat. That’s where our spirit tells us to go right, left, up, down, hold steady, etc. Every time there is a choice to be made, it makes the decision.

The soul can, at times, kick in and take control. Sometimes, we do not want our soul lead us do the right thing. We may override our soul’s desire to obey He Who made it, and choose to do something wrong.

We should be aware of corrupting viruses in our program. They strive to corrupt our program so that they may take our soul away to be tormented forever. They never tell us that. they lie, and say, “Have a good time! You owe it to yourself! No one will know!”

What tries to corrupt us? Viruses. Their job is to corrupt our soul, lead it into sin, and drag it down to the pit.

We free-will programs are afflicted with Seven corrupting Viruses: Pride, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Anger, Lust, and Sloth (PEGGALS is a handy acronym). Each virus tries to corrupt us. Due to variations in our souls, some are more susceptible to some viruses than others. Many fall before pride. Others give in to lust. Some are possessed by Anger.

When we are aware of corrupting viruses, we should pray. The Loving Programmer does not want us to fall. He will send Programming Assistants, called “Guardian Angels” back in the Iron Ages, to help.

IF we have sense enough to ask, Pride may be replaced with humility. Envy with charity. Greed and Gluttony can be overcome by self-restraint. Anger can be neutralized by love of God and neighbor. Lust may be controlled by celibacy and sloth by a little hard work.

God, The Loving Programmer, will help us get our own program operating the way it should. Once in a while, we may lend a helping hand to others.

We must go deeper than what we see of ourselves on the outside. Mirrors do not show the corrupting viruses within.
