Money drives Marketing Plan Denominations


Before King Henry, wearing full armor, fell from his horse and landed on his head, England had been a Catholic nation for a thousand years.

His brain was so damaged by such accidents that he was easily manipulated by clever men in his court.  “We serve King and Country, and we want to be rich!  If we can get the King to declare himself ‘Pope’, he could confiscate Church properties, give them to us, and we’ll be instant billionaires!”

They were right.  For a thousand years, faithful Catholics had bequeathed many properties to The Church.  By Henry’s time, a third of England was owned by Catholic Monasteries, Convents, Churches, Hospitals, Schools, Universities, and farms.   70,000 Catholics were crushed, dismembered, and burned.  Properties went to profiteering Protestants.  Money drives Marketing Plan Denominations.

“Keep the people calm!  We’ll dress up our men as Catholic priests in what were Catholic Churches!  They’ll wear the same robes!  We’ll have the services seem similar.”

Second-rate intellectuals were acclaimed as “geniuses”.  They were hired to write endless “Theologies” to justify their new, look-alike church.

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Then:  “Look at all that land in Ireland!  We want it!  We deserve it!  They’re only Catholics!”, cried greedy favorites who’s missed out on the initial land-grab.

Protestant soldiers invaded, bringing ravenous hordes displaced by the Clearances from Scotland.   Catholics suffered as in Rome before Constantine.  Countless Catholic Martyrs died Defending The Faith.

There have been no apologies from any of the Protestant groups involved in the bloody seizures in any nation.  They prefer to congratulate themselves for abolishing  “Catholic Superstitions”.

The price Protestants paid?  Billions of their unborn babies have been killed by birth control pills and more obvious forms of abortion.  45,000 Marketing Plan Denominations are too divided to stop Moslem invasion.   They abandoned God’s Church.  God returned the favor.

Money drives Marketing Plan Denominations.  Death follows.


Catholics know:  “History is a record of Happy Families and those who hate them.” ~ Question 1: “How can I be part of what God promised Isaiah He would create in Is 65:17-21:  ‘Thus says The Lord:  Lo, I am about to create new heavens and a new earth;  The things of the past shall not […]

Only Catholics are blessed to not let The Profiteers of Protestantism keep them from Christ’s “key of knowledge” in Luke 11: 47-54. ~ Question 1: “Were the first Profiteers of Protestantism publicly punished by God?” Answer: “Numbers 16:1–40 tells that God incinerated Korah and 250 of his followers who tried to replace Moses, God’s chosen […]

Question 1: “Why do Catholics believe The Catholic Church is ‘God’s New Vineyard’?” Answer: “Today’s Reading mentions vineyards three times in Isaiah 5:1-7, Psalm 80:9-20 and Matthew 21:33-43. The ‘Vineyard Passages’ tell us that God has One Vineyard on earth at any given time.” ~ Question 2: “What is ‘God’s New Vineyard’?” Answer: “His ‘New […]