Some month’s columns begin with the “why” of Catholic Fundamentalism.

A vast cohort of the damned works to make people believe that God, if He exists at all, is largely irrelevant. They began this phase of the battle with geology and what they think of as a “fossil record”. They continued with a war for the acceptance of evolution. They have been largely successful.

Catholic Fundamentalists understand two things:

First, the words used to describe our faith are largely from the Iron Age. Therefore, they do not accurately define God’s power and actions with words we’re used to using. We look at God as The Unprogrammed Programmer. Just as human programmers can program a two-dimensional movie that looks real, God can program an entire universe that many accept as their ultimate reality, blind to the power of The Programmer.

Second, we understand that the Catholic idea of free will is vitally important to understanding creation. We realize that God had to have programmed every structure and process there is, whether discovered or not, in order to provide each person in each age with free will.

When we think of God as The Unprogrammed Programmer we realize that among His characteristics is a great love for His most complicated creatures, human beings with free will. In the six days described by Genesis, The Unprogrammed Programmer programmed and compiled all the particles and energy flows that there would ever be in order to provide generations of human beings with everything they would need to choose to believe in Him, or not.

When Catholic Fundamentalists see, for instance, layers of rock, we understand that He made those layers of rock, either programming them in place or programming processes that would lay them in place, as during The Flood. Those with more limited vision see the same things, and assume that God did not need to be part of that process. Then, they assume that, since God was not necessary, that He doesn’t exist.

From that, they derive reasons to ignore His commandments and teachings. It makes them happy, for a while.
