Why do they move left?

Those led to the left are fearful, timid souls. Without courage, a gift of the Holy Wireless Connector Who joins believers to God, they are easy prey for every alarm. Cowardice does not travel alone. It is preceded by Greed.

The first lie that Greed tells is “Be afraid”. Fear is buttressed by supporting lies, an example of which is the “Precautionary Principle”. Such lies are designed to paralyze all observable activity. Since any action must have an effect that someone can call “bad”, all actions are stopped.

When stopping activity, another lie, “It’s for the common good.”, is told. This lie can extend to the color one wants to paint his shutters, the style of light bulb that may be screwed into a socket, and what garbage can may be used for various types of trash.

After fear has been introduced, regulation follows. With amazing speed, fines, property confiscation, enforcement personnel, and jail sentences appear. All possible activities become a source of state revenue and control. One day, we walk unimpeded through an airport. The next, we are poked and prodded by endless divisions of uniformed guards who miraculously appeared to “save” us.

Fear is always led by Greed. The minds of the fearful are so unhinged by fear that they are unable to make the connection. More lies thoroughly convince them that “Fear is wisdom”. The fearful are driven more deeply into bondage while the greedy grow richer.

The states’ school systems magnify fear. For hundreds of years, the French were taught to fear the English, Russians the Germans, and vice versa. Today, with most armed forces unable to get past the fear of nuclear war, children are taught to fear human activities. They learn that their enemy is themselves, their neighbors, and the processes by which they live.

In a generation or so, such confusion keeps them from making commitments, having children, and prolonging the existence of their families and countries. Concepts like religion, family, and patriotism are made laughable.

Thus is has always been. Thus it will be until the end.
