Murder has never been easier.

Countless billions of unborn children have been killed by abortion and abortion-inducing birth control.  It is easier to kill than ever.  Many make a quick visit to an abortionist.  Others simply take an abortion-inducing pill.  Murder has never been easier.

We each began as an ova, smaller than a grain of salt.  That ova, containing DNA from our mother’s family, came to life when fertilized by a sperm cell barely bigger than a grain of talcum powder.  It held the DNA from our father’s family.

We may cherish or destroy that precious life.  Murder has never been easier.   Billions of unborn babies never see the sun.  Mothers and fathers flee from what we have done to our children.

Clouds of confusion keep us from realizing the enormity of such sin.  Babylon prefers taxes to life.  “Be happy.  Be free.  Work and pay taxes.” leads to  “Kill your unborn child.”  Billions obey.

Lovers of death realized:  “It is easier to kill children than adults.”  Babylon, Phonecia, and Carthage demanded that children be thrown into the fire.  Those who killed their children were filled with hate.  Pain and cocaine, even in Babylon, went hand in hand as nations sank into death and drugs.

Then, The Miracle!  Prophecies predicted The Messiah.  He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies founded One Church.  It provides the Actual Body and Blood of God at every Catholic Mass since The Last Supper for those who love life more than death.

For “The Thousand Year Reign”, His Church ruled Western Christendom.  Catholic Doctrine became law.  Abortion and infanticide were largely stopped.  All were clearly taught:  “Life must be protected from conception to natural death.

Then, five hundred years ago, “the dragon was unchained from the abyss.”  Catholic teaching was weakened by tens of thousands of competing denominations.  As a result, death is again revisited upon helpless children.  Billions have died.

Murder has never been easier.  If all who understood became Catholic, much of the killing could be stopped.






