A name for the false idol.

We see one lie after another emblazoned upon the banners that fly above every leftist fortress. It’s almost depressing to name them all. From Public Education to the endless Environmental groups, each has a slogan, a “vital concern”, a “pressing problem”, or a “great need”.

Each slogan, boiled down, has the very same message, “Fund me!”

As we understand that people will lie for money, we understand the desperation that drives many to incorporate fraud into their minds. Once that lie, and each lie is, for all practical purposes, a living being, becomes a part of them, it destroys the rational part of their minds.

We were each programmed with an innate love of, and respect for, truth. Those who make a living by lying lose love and respect for truth. Since God is truth, they quickly become an enemy of Him. “Fund me!” goes from what may pass as idealism to a cash-flow generator. Then, it corrupts itself into criminal activity. The criminality is still masked under the idealistic phrases that marked its successful desire for funding, but the cash flow generator is quickly transformed by the need for more funding into criminal activity.

“We have to meet our budget.” takes precedence over saving the birds (whose shortened lives must never be blamed on the windmills that chop them into little pieces) or whatever plea allowed them to begin their funding.

“Fund me!” is, like the relentless, primitive beat of a drum, the underlying theme of all that such people say and do. It is the false idol they worship regardless of the name of the temple in which they bow before the father of lies.
