We need a high OQ to get into Heaven

Believers want to know:  “How do I get my immortal soul into Heaven?”  A high IQ won’t help.  We need a high OQ to get into Heaven.  OQ?  Obedience Quotient.  We pray that our OQ is high enough to be among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Many waste time worrying about IQ.  Our Obedience Quotient is far more important.  Mother Theresa had a Very High OQ.  She and her Holy Sisters were, and are, obedient enough to spend every waking moment serving God.

Saints are blessed with high OQs!  What’s our OQ?

Good Catholics try to get to Mass once a week.  We pray every day.  We generally conclude “I’ve met the minimum OQ standard!  I’m getting to Heaven!”

If we don’t consciously decide to commit a sin, that may be enough.

Weekly Mass attendance puts us in the “Top Twenty Percent” of Catholics!  Compared with those who avoid The Decree of Jesus, “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” and are not Catholic, our OQ puts us in the top 5%!

Wow!  Many are called.  Few are chosen!   If we say a Rosary every day, we may have an  OQ in the top 2 or 3%!

The “Saint Selection Process is even more extreme!  Out of an estimated hundred billion people who have lived since Jesus, 10,000 were blessed with the obedience to be Saints!  Saints are blessed with high OQs!  One in ten million of us!

Catholics know that we aren’t Saints!  We also know that the Holy Saints of God need our help.  We are the only ones who may support their good works on earth.

From their place near God in Heaven, they intercede for those who help their work on earth.   So, while we may not be blessed with the OQ to actually be a Saint, Catholics understand that His very best “friends” are in the Prime Position to intercede for us at The Throne of God!

Best to be Catholic!  And, an obedient Catholic, at that!  We need a high OQ to get into Heaven!
