A new, short prayer. Hope God likes it!

After we have prayed The Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary’s, the St. Joseph’s Prayer, and some of the many others, we may consider: A new, short prayer. Hope God likes it!

It is in two parts.

The first part asks God to have His Saints and Angels protect us from every type of sin that may have gotten inside us: “God, please save me from pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth.”

The second part of the prayer asks God to protect us from all the sin and evil that try to hurt us from outside ourselves. We add this short sentence: “And, save me from all that is anti-Catholic.”

The two parts of that prayer cover all the bases, protecting us from demons within and demons without. “God, please save me from pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust and sloth. And, save me from all that is anti-Catholic.”
