The News is not the News. That Should not be News.

The vast majority of us are trusting, simple people. We go through life telling the truth and believing that others do so, as well.

Since our natural inclination is toward trust, we are usually not aware that there are hordes of professional liars who spend their lives lying to us. None of like to be told that we’re being lied to. We don’t like it because it’s very upsetting to our natural inclination toward truth.

Professional liars know that. “People really don’t want to know that we’re lying to them. So, we can lie all we want. They don’t want to catch us, and they don’t know what they’d do if they did,which makes them not want to know even more.”

So, they go on lying and most of us, most of the time, go on believing.

People lie in two ways. They either alter the truth or they ignore it. There are endless newslies telling us that failed programs are working. There is never “news” about the failures or actual costs of these same programs. Our response to every newslie we hear, or don’t hear, should be a prayer for the souls of those telling the newsreaders what to read. Such prayers may reach the weak soul willing to be sold for some programmed entities and cause them to seek truth. That’s why prayers are very disturbing to the hierarchies of evil, who do everything possible to discourage belief in God and the efficacy of asking The Loving Programmer for Programming Assistance.

There is some question as to whether we should pray for the actual soul of every newsreader and news reporter. Some believe that many of them are such vain and shallow people that their tiny souls may already be gone, evaporated in some spiritual mist that’s been blown away by their own vanities.
