The nicest things about computers

The nicest things about computers is that they help us visualize how God operates. When we can email a thousand people at a time, we may think we’re hot stuff. We can see how God can not only “email three billion people at a time”, but also, effect actual changes in their minds and bodies, as He did with the troops of Sennacherib.

We are always sending messages to, and receiving from, Him. He is aware of every thought, word, and deed. He is also responding to them, usually invisibly, often through angels, and always through His priests at The Sacraments.

Our computers also exemplify how a working system can be damaged by a virus. Like demons, viruses are invented and sent forth to destroy as many operating systems as possible. When we consider the malevolent mind behind a virus, we see there mirrored a human version of the source of evil beyond.

On the bright side, we see that various filters can keep our computers safe from destructive viruses. The ongoing operation of these filters is an Information Age counterpart to the Sacraments of The Church.
