No Willful Protestant wants to connect “creed” with “Catholic”!

St. Paul helps Catholics see 2,000 years of connection between Catholic ‘creed’ and Jesus Christ in Heaven!

Question 1. “Why do people take St. Paul so seriously?”

Answer: “St. Paul wrote more of The New Testament than anyone! For two thousand years, Catholics, Protestants, and non-Christians have studied his writings.”


Question 2: “Does St. Paul tell everyone to be Catholic?”

Answer: “St. Paul wrote his First Letter to The Romans. He was not just writing to people in the City of Rome! He was writing to the sixty million people who were known as: ‘Romans’!”


Question 3: “In what Bible Passage did St. Paul specifically tell those ‘Romans’ to be Catholic?”

Answer: “Romans 6:17: ‘You were once slaves of sin, but thank God you submitted without reservation to the creed you were taught.’” (emphasis added)


Question 3: “Was that ‘creed’ Catholic?”

Answer: “St. Paul was one of First Catholic Bishops. They were chosen by Jesus. He personally taught them Catholic Doctrine in the 40 days between His Resurrection and Ascension. The Holy Spirit, Promised by Jesus, still guides their Successors to follow that ‘creed’. History is clear! The only ‘creed’ they taught was Catholic!”


Question 4: “No one can deny The Word with Which Jesus Christ Spoke The Catholic Church into Being: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

But, does that mean we should still obey His Catholic ‘creed’?”

Answer: “God’s Truth is unchanging.”


Question 5: “Things have changed since Jesus! Today, we can fly! We have computers! We have access to all the knowledge there is!”

Answer: “It is always ‘fashionable’ to reject the idea that God’s Truth is Unchanging.”


Question 6: “Does God let things on earth change so people in every generation must choose to willfully obey or disobey His Unchanging Truths?”

Answer. “Yes. Christ’s Catholic creed is Truth through Ages of Stone, Bronze, Iron, Plastic, and Electron Control.”


Question 7: “Should I be Catholic?”

Answer: “Is there any other way to go to His Judgment and be among: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’?”

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