
The most important consideration we should have concerns where our soul will spend eternity. Today’s reading, from Matthew, 20:28,

“Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served
but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

What does “many” mean? “Many” is a whole lot more than “none” and somewhat more than “few”. “Many” is more than “some”.

“Many” is much less than “all” and a little less than “most”. Catholic Fundamentalists believe that “many” means “about half”.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that “half” of all people will be saved, but may indicate that roughly half of those who say they are Christians will be saved. Connect the dots:

Approximately half of all Christians either take Communion in the Catholic Church or are one Confession away from being able to do so. The Sixth Chapter of John tells us what Christ told His followers with unalloyed directness, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”

A Course of Action:

If taking The Body and Blood within us what it takes to be among the “many”, and we can do so nowhere else but within The Roman Catholic Church, we should do everything we can to get there.

We should start our journey immediately. Then, if our soul should suddenly be called from our body, we may be able to obtain mercy that would otherwise be unavailable, if only enough to get us into Purgatory. “God,” we can then say, “I was on my way to You, and I’m sorry I got off to such a late start. ”

Oddly, many of the same people who will ignore the eternal consequences of being separated from God will spend thousands of dollars a year on life insurance policies. It is not surprising that most of those policies are for term insurance and that most of the money spent on those policies is wasted. The majority of those policies are allowed to lapse before the death benefit is paid.
