An amazing shot of something found by the car-sized Martian rover that recently landed on the red planet showed something that many concerned environmentalists think is plastic scrap. The picture that caused the concern:
There it is, right in the middle of the Martian landscape, something that looks for all the world (don’t know which world) like a piece of plastic scrap.
The interpretations abound. Some extreme environmentalists insist that countless tons of plastic scrap is picked up by tornadoes on earth. Then, it’s lofted high into the stratosphere. Powerful solar winds blow it to Mars, polluting the pristine Martian landscape. Then, it is buried by the endless sandstorms. “It’s bad enought that we’re destroying earth! Must we ruin the entire solar system with our garbage?”
Lobbyists speaking for millions of concerned environmentalists are quick to shout through the halls of Congress, “Oh, no! Plastic on Mars! Funding is needed!
Other environmentalists aren’t so sure. “It may be that there was a civilization on Mars that reached our technology level. Then, it was destroyed, wiped out by their own waste. This plastic scrap on Mars may be our last warning before we meet the same fate!” They, as well, cry to all who will listgen, “Oh, no! Plastic on Mars! Funding is needed!”
Calmer heads at NASA reply: “We really don’t know what it is. But, we do need more funding if we’re going to solve this mystery. Solving this mystery may make our own lives better. This sound investment isn’t just for Americans. All the world needs to know, and all the world should help provide funding.” In their calmer, more “scientific way”, they join in the crescendo: “Oh, no! Plastic on Mars! Funding is needed!”