Oh, the Problems.

When we look at the modern divisions within organized crime, we see that the huge Enviro/Sustainability Crime Family is one of the largest in the Western Hemisphere.

Always working to be more important among the subordinate, specialized rackets within the huge Enviro/Sustainability Crime family are The Endangered Species terrorists. Their goon squads are able to shut down businesses, even smaller government units, if it looks like there’s a species “at risk”.

They are fighting for supremacy over the huge Bio-Diversity Boondogglers. “Bio-Diversity outranks any given species, and is concerned with all biology.”, their supporters insist.

Each clan within the Organized Crime Family wants the right to lobby Congress directly for money to sustain their respective gangs. Neither group wants to be dependent on the other for funding. Complicating the situation is that many in the University Scams now offer degree programs in both Bio-Diversity and Endangered Speciesism. These units are usually under the larger “Environmental Studies” umbrella. Both the Endangered Species and Biodiversity Gangs want sole Department Status in their various universities.

Most of the universities are struggling. “Listen, our old professors aren’t retiring, the new students are dumber than posts, the states are cutting our funding, and we can’t afford any more useless departments.”

When they hear that, both the Bio-Diversity and Endangered Species gangs immediately try to find the many, many areas in which the university, itself, is threatening bio-diversity and putting local species in danger. Angry student-hitmen (hoping and working for actual jobs in one of the scams) in the various departments carry signs, parade around, reminding passersby that the university has, in the past, built dormitories, tennis courts, even “nature walks” right through, and over, anthills, molehills, and actual hills, some as many as ten or twelve feet high.

If the Endangered Species Gang gets more alumni support, is able to shut down the most university activities, and get the most favorable media coverage, it wins. If the Bio-Diversity Gang gets ahead of them, they get departmental status and all the perks that go with it.
