A new way Catholics explain Communion!


Catholics often hear, “But, we have communion in our church, too!”  That gives us:  A new way Catholics explain Communion!

How does a Catholic respond?  Thousands of denominations have a ceremony that resembles Catholic Communion.  They do not provide The Actual Body and Blood of Christ.  That Holy Food may only be provided by Catholic priests ordained in living link with the Apostles Ordained By Jesus.

How do we explain that?  We do not want to drive them away by using words like “imitation”, or “counterfeit”, or “pretense”.  We begin by understanding that many people are startled to realize that,  in The Only Church Jesus Founded, bread and wine actually are turned into The Body and Blood of Christ.  “What?  How can that be?”, they ask, in understandable astonishment.

We explain that Jesus introduced the concept of Catholic Communion in the last half of John, 6.  He repeated A DOZEN TIMES, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  He kept saying that until all but His true disciples abandoned Him.  So, everyone knows that Jesus was introducing something very important!

We remind them that The Last Supper Accounts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke all say that Jesus changed bread and wine into His Body and Blood while repeating SIX MORE TIMES, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Those who are blessed with greater understanding know there is something powerful at work.  We explain, as best we can, the Miracle of that occurs in every Catholic Mass.  As we do, a new apology for the validity of Catholic Communion may enter our minds!

“If it were not for the tens of thousands of denominations recognizing the importance of Communion, and providing an imitation of it, we would not realize how important Catholic Communion is!”
