“One-minute Reasons to be Catholic!” #7.

Demons of self-righteousness keep as many souls as they can from getting into Heaven.


Question 1:  “What keeps people from obeying The Church-Creating Word of Jesus Christ and getting the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that include all 7 Catholic Sacraments:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’?”

Answer:  “Demons of Self-righteousness take form in 2 soul-destroying vanities:

Vanity #1:  ‘I know more than Jesus Christ about getting into Heaven.’ 

Vanity #2:  ‘Jesus must let me into Heaven.’


Question 2:   “What do demons of self-righteousness tell everyonewho  follows those two Vanities?”

Answer:  “The same, boring thing!  ‘God wants you to disobey His First Commandment (‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’) and put Your Opinions ‘before Him‘.

The Victims of Protestantism are possessed, in varying degrees, by that cunning demon of self-righteousness.


Question 3:  “What happens to those who let themselves become Victims of Protestantism?”

Answer:  “Every day we are led astray is one less day that every Victim of Protestantism could have been among the only people whose souls are assured of Heaven in John 15:14:  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.'”


Question 3:  “What should a person who understands The Church-Creating Decree of Jesus do?”

Answer:  “Cry out in desperation:  ‘God, while I have time left on earth, let me be Catholic so I can get the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Your Son died to leave on earth!’


May all God’s Children be blessed to realize 3 simple facts:

Fact 1.  Jesus knows more than anyone on earth about where I can find “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.

Fact 2.  “I don’t know how much time I have left to get those ‘keys’.

Fact 3:  “I should be Catholic quickly!”

