One sentence tells us if our ‘body parts’ are in agreement with Jesus. #54.

May we keep the millions of “body parts” inside our brain working in obedience to Every Word of Jesus!


Question 1: “Why should we get our ‘body parts in our brain’ to agree with Jesus?”

Anwswer: “Those who most meaningfully love Jesus are identified by one sentence in John 14:23!

‘Whoever loves Me will keep My Word, says The Lord, and My Father will love him and We will come to him.’


Question 2: “Is there ‘any Word’ of Jesus that those who most meaningfully love Him will not obey?”

Answer: “The phrase ‘Whoever loves Me will keep My Word’ includes Every Word Spoken by Jesus on earth.'”


Question 3: “Does everyone have the ‘freedom’ to obey Every Word of Jesus and become a living part of The Only Church He Spoke Into Being with His Word:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’?”


Answer: “The Book of James, 1:10 is clear! ‘You see, if a man keeps the whole of the law, except for one small point at which he fails, he is still guilty of breaking it all.’


Question 3: “Are Willful Protestants ‘breaking all’ their connections with Jesus when they willfully choose to ‘break away’ from The Church Jesus died to Speak Into Being on earth?”

Answer: “Every person on earth is in a ‘race to Heaven’. The ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ were provided by Jesus. His Church-Founding Decree is both ‘the finish line’ and the ‘race’.”


Question 4: “If we choose to stop before we cross ‘the finish line’, can we win the race?”

Answer: “James goes on to say ‘If you commit murder, you do not have to commit adultery as well to beceome a breaker of the law.’ If we reject Any Word of Jesus, we are ‘breakers of’ His ‘law’.”


Question 5: “Is it possible for anyone to willfully disobey Christ’s Church-Creating Word and be among: em>’Whoever loves Me will keep My Word says The Lord, and My Father will love him and we will come to him.’?”

Answer: “May we all use our ‘freedom’ to get the millions of ‘body parts’ in our brain to live in obedience to Every Word of Jesus.”

~ is: Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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