One skirmish in the war for souls.

The battle for each of our souls goes on right up to the end. The Church encourages Her priests to be nearby when a soul is leaving a body to help that soul get to Heaven.

The Culture of Death tries to do exactly the opposite. They work hard to foster rules and regulations that make it more likely that people will die in a state of sin.

Some Social Security and other pension/annuity payments, for instance, may be reduced if a person remarries. Many prefer to “live together” instead of remarrying in order to maximize their pension income. Not a good idea for those who want to follow Church doctrine.

Governments, of course, are not about to change their rules so that pension rights are vested. They’d rather people burned in Hell forever than do that. What of those bureaucrats who know that their policies must, for no good reason, separate more people from God and salvation than would be the case if pension rights were permanently vested? Do they, whose policies caused many to suffer forever, have to suffer even greater, longer pain?

Is it worth the risk?
